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ART journal

. . . with my creative meanderings

"Launching" into some thoughts on my Exhibit. . .

In trying to kill a flock of birds with one stone, I foolishly but somehow successfully, managed to throw an anniversary party and launch my exhibit "Resident Light" on the same day, at the same time, in the same place, with the same guests!

Over 50 people came out to congratulate me on the launch of my show and to cheer on our 40-year marriage. We enjoyed sparkling juice, charcuterie galore, and much chatter. My husband and I re-shared our ring ceremony vows, the cake I designed and decorated (that a friend baked for me), and I introduced my art show with a talk and short Q & A.

Everyone I heard from had a great time and shared how meaningful it was to be there celebrating both marriage and the opening of "Resident Light" - my new collection celebrating ancestral roots. A few mentioned they liked the way I showcased my family's history and how it gave them ideas to do similar creative things. I hope others might up-cycle their family treasures and save their keepsakes in antique sealers too!

I heard the pieces impactful and thought-provoking regarding family relationships and heritage and the hope one's family can have for the future. A few mentioned that it clearly showed hope of healing in relationships when the resident light of God is present. In a world that has so many fractured relationships, I am encouraged that my message was expressed loud and clear.

I welcome you to visit the show in-person or contact me for a private viewing (anytime before the end of the year) to see my pentaptych "Notice.Stretch.Explore.Care.Muster" gouache on canvas, several complementary poems, the large triptych "Rooted Journey" acrylic, chalk paint, and ink on canvas, several found art installations and exploratory integrations, and 6 "Decades" sketches on wood panel featuring personal highlights from each "era" in my life (so far)!

To see my entire "Resident Light" collection, you can follow me on instagram online and comment there. I am still currently posting pictures and descriptions but I may be archiving much of it shortly too, due to the personal nature of the show, so be sure to visit there soon.

Thanks for letting me share this significant time with you.



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Oct 24, 2024
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

I finally sat down and gave your FAB "Resident Light" online show here on your site my thorough attention. What a labour of love and commitment to family through generations! Thanks for sharing this.

Oct 25, 2024
Replying to

Thank you so much! It was a very personal series for me but the feedback has been so meaningful...people have said it has caused them to contemplate the meaning of their own heritage. <3


Oct 22, 2024
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

I will be contacting you to visit the gallery! Love this idea.

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