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WELCOME to my journal. . .
You will find some of my poetry, thoughts on my art, and my other creative meanderings

1 min read
"Add a Catchy Title"
This is what I see written every time I start a new blog post. I can usually grab a thought and run with it...but today, life catches me...

2 min read
The Freshness of a June Sigh
Today I feel a freshness in the air outside. After a big sigh, it feels fresh and satisfying like that too. I have been criticized for...

2 min read
Back on the Water Again
Did you notice I didn't make it to Algonquin last year? I did. When life prevents me from accomplishing what I hope to do, it can get to...

2 min read
You'd Think the Snow would Inspire Me
Will Spring spring soon? A smattering of my winter poetry and art...

3 min read
A Direct Route to Your Soul
Neurographic (Brain Drawing) is a somewhat new therapeutic, psychological and scientific theory towards healing and even success. It is a...

2 min read
Remember that Challenging Art Teacher?
Ahh, the good old days in art class.

3 min read
Have You ever Doodled with Scissors?
There is an art workshop that specifically forces the participants to play. Funny, that. How we adults need to learn how to play where...

2 min read
It's a Poet's Life for Me!: Virtual Café Poetry Reading
I have an upcoming online poetry reading book launch!

3 min read
Mural Meanderings
My recent Mythology Room mural in St. Catharines brought back many good memories from earlier days! I will share some of them with you. ...
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