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WELCOME to my journal. . .
You will find some of my poetry, thoughts on my art, and my other creative meanderings

2 min read
Scribble it Out!
Many people say "I can't draw" "I'm not artistic" and excuse themselves from expressing themselves creatively in any way. However, I know...

2 min read
It's Elemental, My Dear
I was honoured to be asked to be feature artist for a week by Queen Street Artist Group (QSAG). So I gathered about 25 pieces together...

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The Great Drift
I think any artist will know what I'm talking about once I describe this phenomenon. It is the moment when time stands still, or rather...

2 min read
"Oh, a Tom Thomson Tree!"
Facing the possibility of not having the freedom to get to Algonquin this summer to paint like the Group of Seven did (using oils on...

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I've Confused Myself
Failures are resources for future success.

3 min read
The Art of Symbol and Storytelling Fifteen centuries ago a young Roman boy named Maewyn was born in Britain and was being raised by...

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The Sunset
We cannot count the number of displays of sunsets we have stopped to appreciate over the years. They are both dependable and...

2 min read
The ART of Our Homes
Statistically, I'm certain the world broke a record as to how much time was spent at home in 2020 --A year full of confusion and change...

3 min read
Eaten Alive
Okay, maybe this is a little harsh since a cookie isn't actually alive, but don't your creations seem so sometimes? Our hearts are poured...
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